

Cooperative Sacco Software Namibia offered by us provides multiple facilities. It can make the process of registration, agreement, maturity calculation of recurring deposit (RD) and fixed deposit (FD) and calculation of the commission easy and reliable. With the help of this software, management of various activities of your society becomes easy and accurate. It can take care of most of the supervision and calculation.

Our Microfinance Credit Cooperative Society Software  is widely acclaimed for its exhaustive features and very popular among Credit Cooperative Society Software companies. Moreover, we are one of the pioneers in building and developing Credit Co-operative Society Software. Our Cooperative Society Software is ideal for Multi Branch Management and Multi State Management. It is integrated with additional security features and user logins and passwords are totally secured. All communication between client and server is encrypted using higher level encryption.

In addition to that, Our Credit Society Software Development has done due diligence to compatibility issues. It is compatible to various kinds of marketing plans carrying distinct features. Besides, this unique software product of our software will assist in maintenance of each and every record. With our motto of providing cost effective solutions this product is always high in demand as it is coupled with efficiency and high quality. Furthermore, Our Credit Cooperative Society Software  is always at your service delivering quality and error free solutions.

Best Cooperative Sacco Society Software

Benefits of our cooperative Sacco software include:

  • Firstly, Access to goods and services: Co-operatives provide access to goods and services in communities that might not otherwise have access. 
  • Secondly, Social benefit: Co-operatives can provide education and instruction for their members. 
  • Also, Business stability: Co-operatives are less dependent on consistent cash flow and investment. 
  • It has limited liability: Members of a co-operative society are only liable to the extent of their capital contribution. 
  • Not forgeting, Democratic structure: Each member of a co-operative is voting. 

    Lastly,  you will distribute economic results fairly based on the volume of operations made through the co-operative